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Available Workshops & Sessions

If you do not see what you are looking for, please contact Lori to discuss your unique needs.

Book an SRT Session and an Intuitive Consulting Session together

Save $73!

Gain clarity and grow forward quickly in your life

Intuitive Consulting

Highly accurate and with a depth of wisdom, Lori provides significant insight into career and relationships.


Subconscious Release Technique (SRT)


Subconscious Release Technique makes a difference and it makes an impact on your life with noticeable results, sometimes within a day of the session. During the session, you will begin to notice the shift and depending on the situation you were clearing, as soon as you are involved with the same set of circumstances, you will notice that you now deal with it with clarity, ease, and from the present moment.


It involves

Reason: you and your practitioner will get clarity on the reason for your session and what you are hoping to achieve.

Reveal: through conversation and muscle testing, you will uncover how your thought or worry today is connected to something not resolved from another time in your life.

Reprogram: the root cause of why we are not moving forward is often linked to a hidden belief, or a decision you made about a specific life event,experience, or trauma. Once this is found, you will be guided through a specific process that uncovers those limiting belief patterns you have been feeding yourself.

Restore: Once these mind viruses have been reprogrammed to a positive narrative, you will release baggage you didnt know you were carrying and you will notice significant changes in the words you use and your behaviors.


If you can breathe this program is for you, it's that simple!

Spring Forest Gigong Sessions

A level 3 certified practioner in the Chinese art of mind, breath, and gentle body movements, Lori provides a connected balance to life and work. Founded by Master Chunyi, facilitators know and understand the healing components that are a gift to life.

- Heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually

- Promotoes balance for children's executive functioning components of focus, planning, organizing, balance, and confidence

- Strong aide for ADD/ADHD, alcoholism, and addiction treatment

- Gentle flowing movements make this suitable for seniors and those with mobility challenges as well

For more information, contact Lori using the button below.


Dementia Workshop: The Flood


Trained to be a Dementia specialist by Dr. Daniel Nightingale, Lori presents an interactive and engaging workshop to help staff and caregivers understand what it feels like to live with the diagnosis.

For information on pricing, please contact Lori. Pricing varies depending on the needs of each group.

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